Thursday, February 24, 2011

Guess Who is a Big, Fat Baby When She is Sick?

That's right... THIS GIRL.

Wahhhhhh. My throat hurts, I can't stop coughing, my chest hurts, BLAGGH. I managed to make it through *most* of my work day, thanks to the healing powers of cold medicine, tea, honey, soup, and menthol cough drops. Now I plan on getting into my P.J.'s (or, as my BF says, my "Nanook of the North" outfit, because I am ALWAYS cold so I dress in warm, comfy layers) and just VEG. Here's to hoping I am feeling better tomorrow, because the only thing worse than being sick at work? Being on sick on the weekend!!

In other news... My daughter spent her allowance on a magic wand and has been practicing Harry Potter spells for the past week or so. I think someone is going to be awfully disappointed when her 11th birthday rolls around and there is no letter from Hogwarts.

Oh, and also? She wrote a letter to President Obama. Apparently she learned in Social Studies class that you have to be born in the U.S. to become president, and she doesn't think that's fair, because what if you were born in another country but moved here as a baby and you're a citizen and love this country and want to be president? So she wrote a very nice, respectful letter and sent it off to the White House. I'm hoping she gets something back, even if it's just some automated thing they do. She'd be thrilled.

Well, time to drown myself in more tea with honey. *cough, cough, hack hack*


  1. That would be awesome if she got something back from the White House!

    Welcome back to blogging (yes I remember you :) )

    I hope you feel better before the weekend!

  2. I am pretty sure if you write to the White House you get at least a form letter response so I hope Maya gets one. It's always nice for a kid to learn early that her government cares about her opinion.

  3. i hope you feel better soon!

    i love that your daughter wrote that letter. i love it when kids take it upon themselves to take action like that, even if we as adults know it probably wont do any good. i remember being really proud when my son wrote a letter to the Fox Network protesting the cancellation of King of the Hill. :)

  4. My daughter and I just got over some nasty crude. Yuck. I feel so bad for you.

    Here's to hoping you get better real quick!!

    I'm about to put up a post of some choice words my daughter wrote on the back of her art work. Hopefully it will be up tonight.

    I think you'll get a kick out of it.

    Unfortunately, it's put a huge damper on my use of the F word at home.
