Thursday, February 24, 2011

Guess Who is a Big, Fat Baby When She is Sick?

That's right... THIS GIRL.

Wahhhhhh. My throat hurts, I can't stop coughing, my chest hurts, BLAGGH. I managed to make it through *most* of my work day, thanks to the healing powers of cold medicine, tea, honey, soup, and menthol cough drops. Now I plan on getting into my P.J.'s (or, as my BF says, my "Nanook of the North" outfit, because I am ALWAYS cold so I dress in warm, comfy layers) and just VEG. Here's to hoping I am feeling better tomorrow, because the only thing worse than being sick at work? Being on sick on the weekend!!

In other news... My daughter spent her allowance on a magic wand and has been practicing Harry Potter spells for the past week or so. I think someone is going to be awfully disappointed when her 11th birthday rolls around and there is no letter from Hogwarts.

Oh, and also? She wrote a letter to President Obama. Apparently she learned in Social Studies class that you have to be born in the U.S. to become president, and she doesn't think that's fair, because what if you were born in another country but moved here as a baby and you're a citizen and love this country and want to be president? So she wrote a very nice, respectful letter and sent it off to the White House. I'm hoping she gets something back, even if it's just some automated thing they do. She'd be thrilled.

Well, time to drown myself in more tea with honey. *cough, cough, hack hack*

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

All About Yours Truly

My name is Mandy, I am 31 years old and I live in a (very) small town in PA with my 10 year old daughter, Maya, and the love of my life, Pete.

I am divorced (well, almost) from my daughter's father, but we have an amicable relationship and my daughter sees him all the time.

I currently work for a company that does fund-raising for various non-profit and political organizations. I am hoping to go back to school, and I am looking into nursing programs in the area. I also do photography on the side, mostly weddings and parties. I am also in the very beginning stages of starting a small biz, selling home made natural soy candles and eco-friendly, reused and upcycled homemade jewelry.

I love being outdoors, kayaking, hiking, and biking. I HATE winter with a passion, and hope to move out west someday. I love to read, I love photography, movies, spending time with my daughter and BF. I've also been getting interested in cooking, and I love my wok.

I'm not religious, but I love a lot of the Zen Buddhist philosophies.

My daughter, Maya turned 10 in October. She is the most amazing kid EVER. She is smart, funny, a little goofy, active, talkative, kind. She loves to read, especially Harry Potter and the Percy Jackson series. She has 2 pet bunnies, Percy and Fluffy, who are a handful and keep us all busy! She loves being outdoors, swimming, biking, hiking, climbing. She has an incredible imagination and loves to write.

Pete is the most amazing, compassionate, caring person I know. He is mellow and laid back, loves to be active... running, golf, hiking, climbing. He also likes to read and snuggle and watch movies. We have the best conversations, we love to argue politics and can be pretty competitive playing games, like scrabble and backgammon and Wii.

My life is pretty simple and yet pretty crazy at the same time! 

All About the Blog

Welcome to my blog!

I would like to start out by saying that I am NOT a writer, so please ignore the various mishaps you may find here, including but not limited to: Lack of interesting subject matter, poor sentence structure, typos and incorrect grammar, random and rambling monologues, sometimes vague and cryptic writings, etc etc etc.

I have had blogs in the past, and I miss it. That's why I am back. This time, I am writing for me. I always felt this great pressure to make everything I write great, or an overwhelming need to keep up with blogs I like and comment everywhere so that I wouldn't lose readers, and while I will obviously continue to read and comment on blogs I like... I just don't want the pressure of feeling like I HAVE to do it.

This is mostly a pace for me to write about whatever is on my mind. How my day went, or a problem I may be having, updates about my daughter and family, venting frustrations and sadness, posting photos, writing about places or products, basically just whatever I feel like. No real theme or rhyme or reason!

I can't promise to always be entertaining, or even to write every day. But if you enjoy what you find leave me a comment and I will be sure to check out your blog as well!

Thanks for stopping by!